這間旅館有很多名稱: 倫敦梅特珀爾希爾頓飯店(Agoda)、倫敦大都會希爾頓酒店(Expedia)、Hilton London Metropole、HiltonLondonMet,但是都相同指的是一間。
旅館星等: ★★★★
旅館聯盟: Hilton系列旅館
住宿時間: 2016/06 整周
後來,問朋友,大家都說其實都有聽到那個電梯聲音,只是我剛好在貨梯對面...。最絕的是那個前台不但態度很差、敷衍了事,開始說了一堆歧視的話,最後居然還說了:The World Is Unfair!來回應其他人有換房成功。好樣的,還沒完!他又說:You should ask whoever booked the room for you!太完美了!其他前台幫朋友升等都沒關係,唯獨我被吵、我睡髒枕頭沒關係!並且,臉裝出一副"去你的。我說不升就不升,也不能換,你不要來吵了"的樣子。隔天早上反應前台時,他們又說出"That's all?",真的很誇張!
對於Hilton London Metropole,希爾頓會員是不存在的。

之後,他們贈送了所謂的致歉水果盤,基本上就是沒有甚麼用的水果盤,一來我都在開會,開會以外就是在外面遊走拍照,水或者是飲料或是食物或是水果在會議中都可以拿,所以對我而言,水果盤還不如找到個方法幫我修好電梯,之後又多次反應,Hilton London Metropole還是沒有理睬,如果你來到這個地方住這家旅館,不要期待太多,會重重的失望的。
將客人抱怨的信件轉給客人的公司,不但侵犯了個人隱私權,也嚴重了讓 Hilton 的信譽、品質嚴重的變差,這樣的作法,和台灣軍隊喜歡往別人高層搞、或是找別人麻煩是找別人公司高層有甚麼差異?不好好處理問題,反而來做沒用的事情。Hilton London Metropole,有你的。
I actually don't know where to start when it comes to this hotel. I think I will start with its appearance. The outside is like an ordinary hotel ( not a 5-star one ). It's a building with a long history and currently going though some maintenance. According to real experience from other friends, the rooms in east tower are pretty old, the rooms in west tower would be affected by some conference room activities. I happened to be really lucky to stay in a refurbished room, and there are only really loud noise from the lifts and some room cleaning issues. I also heard that the air conditioner in the lower floors would blow dirt out.
Furthermore, there was a hotel clerk in the front desk told me that the hotel rooms are full and no further upgrade can be done for elite members. However, some of my friends' room were successfully upgraded or changed. I felt disappointed. That's not the worst though. After I finished my daily events and came back to the room, there were loud noise and dirty pillow. I felt sad and tired. I went downstairs at 2am, but I got the answer of "NO" for changing my room. Also, the Indian in the front desk told me that "The World Is Unfair!" so some of them can changed the room but not me. It's not over yet. He told me that I should ask whoever booked the room for me to upgrade my room. That's an amazingly screwed-up answer. They want me to stay in a noisy room with dirty pillows.
After 2 days (I stayed for 6 nights), they sent the fruits plate up here. Basically, they are useless fruits. I mean that it couldn't fix the elevators that is making huge sounds, and it doesn't fix the words front desk told. They don't even ask that front desk guy to give me a proper apology. It's so annoying that no a thing is fixed ... If you like to stay in a place like this, please don't expect too much and good luck. ( Would you believe in a hotel telling multiple lies like: no rooms available and no other people changing the room successfully?)
Apology means nothing but showing your respect and sorry to the bad events occurred. However, it doesn't mean that after your apology that one should stop talking about you. I didn't sign anything stating my stop about advertising this bad hotel. Pushing this through emails with one's related business and trying to threaten him or her would be a really bad idea.
Take death row prisons for example, even though they might apologize for these wrong deeds, that doesn't mean the news paper can't write about their bad behaviors. Furthermore, the relatives of the victims can still talk about it and the victims can still argue about the bad doings about death row prisons. There is freedom of speech in this world.
The world is already UNFAIR, and Hilton London Metropole is making it worse.
給了道歉,不表示我就該停嘴,還不斷威脅我、恐嚇我、繼續犯錯,大家看過殺人犯嗎?就算是殺了人,到對方靈堂道歉之後,也不表示新聞媒體不能報、也不表示家屬不能不原諒、也不表示不能繼續責備殺人犯!(以下這張圖是某一次收到的Facebook粉絲團截圖,很明顯的英國或美國人在看,因為需要用翻譯軟體,哈哈哈。發信者表示:Perception is real,也就是所謂的只要感受到就是真實的,並警告了我。)道歉之後,不表示不能繼續說
I actually don't know where to start when it comes to this hotel. I think I will start with its appearance. The outside is like an ordinary hotel ( not a 5-star one ). It's a building with a long history and currently going though some maintenance. According to real experience from other friends, the rooms in east tower are pretty old, the rooms in west tower would be affected by some conference room activities. I happened to be really lucky to stay in a refurbished room, and there are only really loud noise from the lifts and some room cleaning issues. I also heard that the air conditioner in the lower floors would blow dirt out.
Furthermore, there was a hotel clerk in the front desk told me that the hotel rooms are full and no further upgrade can be done for elite members. However, some of my friends' room were successfully upgraded or changed. I felt disappointed. That's not the worst though. After I finished my daily events and came back to the room, there were loud noise and dirty pillow. I felt sad and tired. I went downstairs at 2am, but I got the answer of "NO" for changing my room. Also, the Indian in the front desk told me that "The World Is Unfair!" so some of them can changed the room but not me. It's not over yet. He told me that I should ask whoever booked the room for me to upgrade my room. That's an amazingly screwed-up answer. They want me to stay in a noisy room with dirty pillows.
After 2 days (I stayed for 6 nights), they sent the fruits plate up here. Basically, they are useless fruits. I mean that it couldn't fix the elevators that is making huge sounds, and it doesn't fix the words front desk told. They don't even ask that front desk guy to give me a proper apology. It's so annoying that no a thing is fixed ... If you like to stay in a place like this, please don't expect too much and good luck. ( Would you believe in a hotel telling multiple lies like: no rooms available and no other people changing the room successfully?)
Apology means nothing but showing your respect and sorry to the bad events occurred. However, it doesn't mean that after your apology that one should stop talking about you. I didn't sign anything stating my stop about advertising this bad hotel. Pushing this through emails with one's related business and trying to threaten him or her would be a really bad idea.
Take death row prisons for example, even though they might apologize for these wrong deeds, that doesn't mean the news paper can't write about their bad behaviors. Furthermore, the relatives of the victims can still talk about it and the victims can still argue about the bad doings about death row prisons. There is freedom of speech in this world.
The world is already UNFAIR, and Hilton London Metropole is making it worse.
不想要訂購到奇怪的旅館嗎? 推薦你使用 TripAdvisor 比較旅館。
例如這間旅館是排名第 585 (共 1,067 家) 的倫敦飯店。
If you don't want to make reservations in odd hotels,I would recommend TripAdvisor for reviews from all over the worlds.
I would suggest you that you should book your hotel within at least top 50%.Actually, top 30% is recommended!You can also use HotelsCombined for better hotel price comparing!
那些年,我住過的奇耙旅館 世界前幾差的旅館們介紹。旅館超多雷該怎麼避免 義大利旅館相關
旅館訂房、尋找、比價細節教學 包含邊比價邊尋找排名喔!
旅館經驗列表 幾年來的旅館親身經歷
刪除Wow. This hotel is amazingly crazy, man. No one should stay in this property. Now, I remember the name "Hilton London Metrolpole". If I couldn't fall asleep, and the front desk told me that the world is unfair. I might have just sue them.
回覆刪除Ah, ikr. I just can't believe that this hotel can still survive in London area. They also did something more than these bad things they did here... Those are something I can't tell people yet but I will do so if necessary sometime later.
刪除A bad hotel is and will always be bad.
回覆刪除No, Hilton London Metropole is not only bad but ... I think they are just ... THE WORST HOTEL EVER EXISTS IN THIS WORLD.
刪除What the...? Really???
回覆刪除yap. it's real story. I hate to say that ... but Hilton London Metropole sucks not only because of it's equipment but also for its attitude of trying to be world's number 1 worst hotel. I think HiltonLondonMet has already won the competition of bad hotel... I don't know if it will be the worst forever but I think even the way Hilton handle it is like ... HILTON IS GOING DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWN.
刪除Oh, by the way, if Hilton London metropole got any question, stop messing up with my company ... Just sue me from London. Sue me on reporting the real story and suing me for being insulted by Hilton London Metropole.
Wow, sorry to hear your experience.
回覆刪除I think it might be more effective to send your picture evidence to their head office, and question them about the "Hilton" quality.
Furthermore, go on social media, broadcast your experience and make sure to tag Hilton head office in Europe, or even the global head quarter.
They don't care because there's no leverage against them. Since you are an elite member, I am sure you've given the Hilton brand a lot of business in the past. You can use that as your leverage to negotiate and put pressure on this garbage of a hotel you stayed at.
I've tried all the methods, including social media, forums, emailing to headquarter, and so om. However, they simply fight back through my company. My company then started to threaten me on this matter. So, I have to shut up before I left this company...
刪除Sorry your company doesn't back you up. That is terrible for them to retaliate. One other thing you can do is to have your wife write your experience on Hilton's social media page, and if you can show their retaliation e-mail (to your company) screenshot, post that on their FB page, it should garner a lot of attention. That way, it's not you who's saying anything, your company can't really fault you for it.
刪除I find it shocking in this day and age, a company's PR would make such a mistake.
I would like to do so, but it would cost my job...
刪除Hilton London Metropole 這個旅館真的是很爛啊!大地雷旅館一個。大地雷旅館一個。大地雷旅館一個。很重要要說三次的
I don't have the elite member card!
Q___Q The world is unfair.